We employed Simon as part of the core photographic team at The Market, a classic car online auction space latterly taken over by Bonhams. Although he was a freelancer, Simon quickly became an integral part of the team because he understood not just how to take excellent, informative and beautiful photos of all aspects of a car, but he also understood the brand values we had created and were critical to our success, current and future. We were also able to benefit from Simon's brand development experience in areas outside of photography as he was part of the team that would develop and discuss our future image and what our outbound presentation and communication looked like to our various customers. 

Tristan Judge

Co-Owner and Director of The Market

A thoroughly different approach than any other photographer I have met.

Simon spent time understanding our needs and the desired outcome from my brief.

Some photos were direct sales pictures, which of course were brilliant. But more impressive is when it came to the more indirect, emotive branding side. Using his corporate background, Simon completely understands the objectives of all types of marketing. He discussed and questioned my target market customer avatar and their goals from an interaction with my company. He totally got it. In fact, pin-pointed some things more precisely than I had. Delivering stories by video and photographs that are spot-on and often have multi-levels of appeal.

We have used Simon for the last six-years and every commission has given us a significant ROI. One in particular has elevated us to the leading authority worldwide in a particular niche field.

Another amiable factor that impressed me was his keenness to continually improve. He seeks feedback on results about what has worked and what hasn’t. Always trying to improve and deliver the best possible outcome.

Adrian Jardine - Owner AlfaAid